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    How to from 247wood

    On this page you can find handy explanations on how to use our products. These explanations may be used as a reference guide or you can orientate yourself with which products are right for you.

    MFT thump

    Make your own Festool MFT table top

    In this "How to" demostration you can learn how to make your own MFT table top.

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    A centering guide bush

    In this "How to"  demostration you can learn how our centering mandrel can be used and what it is really good for.

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    Scharnier vastschroeven

    A hinge screw

    Screwing in a hinge, that's not impossible, right? Well in princple not but if you want your screws in the middle of the holes then it certainly becomes more difficult. In this demonstration you can learn how to achieve the prefect results.

    Youtube video

    schoot omdraaien

    Turn the bolt of a lock

    In this ""How to" demonstration you can learn the secrets of turning the bolt of a lock. This is a very simple operation if you know where you are heading.

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    Rechte hoeken

    Right hooks

    If you use our router templates then you have a recess with rounded corners but what if you want to use hinges with right angles, that will never work .. Or will it? Our Corner chisel or a corner swatter offers the perfect solution!

    Youtube video

    stompe deur afhangen

    Blunt doors

    Can the job of hanging blunt doors be carried out by yourself or do you need a specialist? With this step by step pictorial guide to hanging blunt doors, you will see just how easy a job it is with a router template set.

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